Monday, October 17, 2005

Settling In

I'm allergic to textbooks. That's the general conclusion I've come upon. I've been at home all day sitting around and glancing at my books every so often only to find that everytime I do stare at them for longer than 5 mins, my eyelids automatically start to droop. *sigh* Being a student really isn't all about the drinking and meeting new people. How I wish. :)

My life's complicated itself at least twice over. I met someone extremely sweet and adorable recently, and despite my resolution to keep away from men and relationships in Cardiff this year... It seems like it ain't happening. Nothing's concrete yet but like I mentioned to Kz the other day, I'm working on it. :p

Third year is scary. There was this one double module which really shook me up after the first lecture. Not only did the professor give us our assignments already, he also mentioned that there was no tutorials, seminars, prepared notes, etc. In addition to that, an hour and a half into the two hour lecture, he stopped and said: well, I'm tired now so why don't we continue next week. To be honest, I would have prefered if he had gave us an extra hour of lecture rather than cut it short.

Friday, October 07, 2005

True Blue

Today's weather was depressing. It's all gray and horrible from the moment I stepped outside my door to go to Uni at 9.40am to 5.30 when I managed to drag myself home. I never realized that it's so tiring to spend an entire day at Uni. Thing was that I didn't even have that many classes - two double lectures to be exact. Still, I spent half of my three hour gap in the library doing some work so at least I got some stuff done.

At the moment, I can't motivate myself to do anything. Just too shattered. Can't even be bothered to do my email. What I actually feel like doing is calling someone but that person's still asleep given the huge time difference. No point waking him up and making him grumpy for the rest of the day. Silly isn't it? I should leave this but I can't. I don't know why I feel so attached. Something deep down is telling me that this isn't right. Men aren't supposed to affect me like this. It's scary...