Sunday, September 10, 2006

September Sessions

It's been three and a half weeks since I've left the UK but it only feels like I've been back a few days. That's technically true I suppose since I only arrived from Bangkok on Friday night and what a nightmare that was. Got to the airport early only to find the plane had been delayed another hour and a half. When we were finally ready to hit the runway, the pilot announces that there's a queue and we're 8th on the list. Ouch! The flight was long since I couldn't get any shut-eye and needless to say, I got a little moody. Of course, once we got back, I forgot about the IMF/World Bank Conference happening in Singapore so the security check was ludicrious. The immigration officer decided to give me shit for not having a Malaysian ID - I don't live there!! How can I have one if I'm not a resident! Argh! Of all the ridiculous people...

The only saving grace of Friday was the fact that as soon as our luggage reached us on the belt, it stopped and everyone around us groaned. That definitely brought a smile to my face. The smile stayed when I got a call from Dave checking that I'd arrived safely. Isn't that just so sweet? Of course, I gave him an earful about my horror of a day and he took it with lots of sniggers. *rolls the eyes* Yeah, I knew it'd be too good to be true. ;)

I heard from T for the first time in ages! Even though it was short, it was great to hear from him. I've really missed him and I don't think I realized how much until we finally had a chat online.


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