Monday, August 01, 2005

Tortured Souls

I was surfing the net earlier today in the interest of reviving my old obsession about vampires. After looking into a few sites, I stumbled upon several pages advising "vampires" about donors, eating habits and general friendly advice. At first, I thought it was a joke but the more I delved, the more I realized that these people actually believed what they were saying. I have always been curious about the "dark ones" and have pretty much read enough material on this subject to write a book. Nevertheless, I am still dubious about vampires actually living amongst us poor humans and actually eating real food just like the rest of us. One of the sites even tried dispelling the oldest rumor of vamps known - vampires can actually walk in the sun. It then goes on to explain the various different types of vampires. Apparently there's a new term for them: "Sanguinarians." Obviously, vamps just isn't politically correct enough these days. :P Then again, what is? I swear, if one was to be PC all the time, one would need to carry an entire library of dictionaries out to carry the simplest of conversations.