Friday, August 17, 2007

At no one's beck and call

My friends are very important to me but sometimes, they disappoint me. I'm fairly tolerant when it comes to friendships and I would never dream of judging them for what they've done or said but there is always one thing which gets me every time. I cannot stand it when people don't follow through with their promises. Whether it's a small thing like setting up a lunch appointment and not following through or something more significant like missing a ceremony, it is my belief that people should never promise to do things they don't mean to follow through with. Such actions illustrate a great amount of irresponsibility and insensitivity. Sad to say, I have a few friends like this and it's come to the point where I do not expect anything from them anymore. If they say that they'll call, I'll happily continue on with my schedule and if they do eventually call and I'm engaged, I guess you can say it's their loss. Even to me, that sounds like a harsh line to take but we've all got a limit. As it is, this is mine.


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