Sunday, July 17, 2005

Yellow Brick Road

It is often assumed that when one follows the yellow brick road, one has an ultimate goal. Yet sometimes, I wonder, and what happens when the yellow brick road suddenly stops and continues on the other side of a canyon. How do you get across? In a way, I am coming towards that break in my road and truth be told, I have no clue how to get onto the other side. So here's the sixty-four million dollar question: what do I do after my degree? I cannot depend on my parents forever.

But first, baby steps. I need to pass these upcoming exams. I almost had a heart attack the other day when I thought they'd failed me completely and took me off the degree scheme. Thank god for phones cause I was able to call and clarify immediately.

On the brighter side of life, I still have three weeks in SG to make a difference ie study a lot rather than bumming around like I usually do. I've decided it will start today. My gods and goddesses give me strength for I know I am far too easily distracted.