Saturday, July 08, 2006

Back in the big city

You know that song
"I'm a big, big girl
in a big, big world
it's not a big, big thing
if you leave me...

It really comes to mind now. My parents are coming. Well, mom's already here. Aunt is coming tomorrow afternoon and dad the day after. Then of course is the dreaded graduation ceremony where I have to parade my shameful grades to everyone else on my course and after I get hauled back to london. Mom thinks it's a good idea for me to go back to HK. I'd love to. It's like a dream come true but I don't want to go back feeling like I've accomplished nothing. I want to be able to do something for myself first and be truly independent. For now, it's an ambition but we'll see. Maybe it'll come to pass sooner than expected. I for sure hope so.

I've come to the conclusion that nothing extravagently exciting occurs in my life like those in my beloved fiction novels simply because I'm already so well looked after it would be impossible to add more to my colorful life. My gods and goddess love me and have given me so much more than most people have. I accept that and will forever be grateful for it. Doesn't mean I don't have to work for things I really want - the degree I got proved that. Just means that I'm so well cared for that they don't have to throw in anything extra special into my life cause I don't need it. My life is special anyway. :)

A new mask is slowly and painstakingly formed to perfection. This one will defy all that they seem to know of the last one. New stages requires new convictions. I have plenty of them...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hai, the song was my fav when I was in college ... i luv your

2:43 PM  
Blogger Игорь IP said...

Good song. It from my youth.

2:27 PM  

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